
I have every material possession I can possibly ever need or use. Oh, I see “pretties” here and there that I consider adding to my already overflowing amount of “stuff”, but most of the time I am able to restrain myself and leave them for someone else to carry home. For those material “pretties,” “wanting” is mostly habit. I like pretty things, always have, always will.

Every now and then the very best of my intentions are an insufficient deterrence; I break down and buy something that is truly and completely totally unneeded. In retrospect, sometimes as soon as I bring the “pretty” home with me, I find myself asking if I really wanted what I’ve bought, for 99.9% of the time I know I don’t need what’s sitting on my kitchen counter.

The “wanting” that I am thinking about today though has nothing to do with material possessions. This type of “wanting” requires clairvoyance, deep intuition, acceptance and tons of patience. Above all this type of “wanting” requires knowledge, knowledge that I don’t have, knowledge that I desperately want.  

In times past, I used to want God/the Source/the Great Consciousness/or Whatever Name fits to post the answer to my wanting on the nearest billboard so I could see it on the way to work. Times have changed, and I figure the Divine has as well, so He/She/It can just text the answer to my smart phone.

If only it worked that way.

I want to know the future of relationships; the future of lives; the future of things so close to my heart that they must remain unnamed. In short, I want to know the answer to events that have yet to be determined, events which must unfold on their own time, events that require the participation of other people, events which may require the intervention of the Divine.

I hate having to wait on the answer.